Stop wasting time & losing leads.
Instantly transfer the name, email & phone number to your CRM for every ZipRecruiter & LinkedIn Application.
Real-time, instant application processing from ZipRecruiter
Real-time, instant application processing from LinkedIn
Transfer the phone number, email & name, as soon as the application is submitted
2,000 applications processed per month
Add custom tags to trigger automations within your CRM
No-code, no stress setup
ZipRecruiter hiring / employer account (if using ZipRecruiter)
LinkedIn hiring / employer account (if using LinkedIn)
A CRM platform with API integration (standard in most CRM's)
All applications processed MUST have a resume attached to the application. If there is no resume attached, it is impossible to process that application.
Need to know info:
All plans are limited to 2,000 total applications processed per month. If you need more than that, please contact us for enterprise pricing.
If your applications processed exceed 2,000, you will be charged an additional $200.00 that month for an additional 2,000 applications.
Our process operates at an average 98% accuracy rate- this means there is a fraction of the time where phone or email information will be processed incorrectly. This is unavoidable.
Save 39% with our annual plan
Have questions?
Contact us by clicking below. Our responsive team will get back to you ASAP.